Friday, July 12, 2013

river rats & rescue rangers

tomorrow is marian's birthday.
today, we bought 8 river rats for her party.
{we're floating the boise river}

in an effort to waste as much time
and precious energy as possible,
while we were at the store,
i locked my keys in my car.
{adding roughly an hour to that errand}
rescue rangers saved me.
thanks, rescue rangers.

i normally have a spare in my wallet,
but i'm still in europe mode.
{spare key has now been replaced}

i'm feeling overwhelmed.

why did i say yes to a party?



gretchen said...

Happy Birthday Marian!!

Dawn said...

That's exactly why the keys got locked on the're feeling overwhelmed...I hope today was a respite from it all and you had some fun! Happy birthday Marian!!

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